
Sign Up Now to be a Crossroads NJHS Homework Helper!

NJHS Homework Helpers Program starts on October 14th - We need your help! This is an important and fun way to earn your NJHS Group Service Hours! Go to the Homework Helpers SignUp Genius and Sign Up!

As a Homework Helper you will provide peer to peer tutoring and assistance after school in the IMC on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-4:00. A late bus is available to take you home if you live in district.
Sign Up Here.

Guidelines for how to best help your peers will be provided. Sign up in the appropriate slot according to your academic strengths. 8th graders may sign up under 7th or 8th grade slots to provide assistance to peers in either grade. Once you are signed up you will be contacted to attend a short training session during Advisory.
Sign Up Here


Please Join Us!

All Crossroads NJHS members: Save the date! Tuesday, October 7th is the all important, time honored, Induction Ceremony in which our newest members are formally welcomed to the group. A "hard copy" invitation has been distributed at school. Please look for this to arrive home.

Current members, those inducted last year, have an important role to play in passing the light of knowledge and service to their new brothers and sisters in Honor Society. This event is mandatory for all members.

Family and friends are welcome and encouraged to join us. Light refreshments will be served after the ceremony.

Students: a rehearsal will be held on the morning of the event at 7:15am. Please arrange to be dropped off at the PAC no later than 7:10 or meet Ms. Wilson in the art room at 7:00am to walk over. We will walk back to school together for 2nd hour. You will be excused from Advisory.

7:00 PM
Northview High School PAC


NJHS Has a Blast at the 11 annual Mayor's Grand River Clean-Up!

Officers, Jessica and Makayla clean up!
 After an early morning light rain passed through, NJHS members and their families enjoyed sunny weather along the Grand River. We rode a bus to a trail head near 5/3 Ball Park where we filled numerous bags with trash! What a great effort to clean up the trail enjoyed by so many. Thank you NJHS members for serving as great role models and pitching in to help out!
Many members brought their families along for the fun!

Marnie and Corinn enjoy lunch after a morning of hard work!


Mayor's Grand River Clean Up This Saturday!

Hi Everyone,
We've had a great response to the Mayor's Grand River Clean Up this Saturday, September 20th. I've hear from many of you that you are signed up. Hurray! It should be a fun day! I will forward parking information via email as well as an update to this site as soon as I receive it from the event organizers.

I have permission slips aka minor waiver forms (also available on the site. Click on this link and scroll all the way to the bottom: http://grandrivercleanup.com/register/ available in the art room for any members who are attending without parents which is just fine as I will be there all morning! I'd like ALL attending members to sign a form and return to me by this Friday, so that I know who to look for at the parking lot! We will meet up at our assigned bus (remember, we are partnering with Trinity UMC.) The bus will then transport our group to the clean up sight to which we are assigned.

A quick word about service hours log sheets: These are in the NJHS office, next to the art room, members may stop by during Advisory to obtain a log form. Members are responsible for keeping track of their own hours. For a group project such as the Clean-Up day, I am the supervisor who will sign the form, so that's easy!

One Hundred Lunch Bags for KFB!

The art room was abuzz with activity last night as NJHS members decorated One Hundred lunch sacks for Kids Food Basket. Blue dinosaurs, flowers and riddles are just some of the designs which will brighten a child's day along with a full sack of supper! Thank you all who joined us!


Group Service Opportunities Announcement!

Hi Everyone,
I have two fun Honor Society Group Service Opportunities. I hope to see many of you participate. Here they are:

1. Next Tuesday, September 16th, from 2:30 - 4:00, in the art room we will be decorating Kids Food Basket brown bags for their supper program. The late bus is available to take in-district students home.

2. Mayor's Grand River Clean-up. Crossroads NJHS will be partnering with Trinity UMC for this service event. I will be there and hope to see you too! Here is the info and link for signing up. Although we are signing up on the Trinity group (please read directions below carefully) you will receive NJHS group service hours for participation. 

*Please indicate that you are volunteering with Trinity UMC and that your site leader is the UMC youth leader, Chelsea Smith! 

Here are the important details and information about the event:
  • The clean up involves 5 different communities, 40 miles of the Grand River and roughly 1,000 volunteers! This is one of the top 5 largest river clean ups in the nation.
  • Last year, 700 volunteers picked up 12,000 pounds of trash!
  • Wear long pants as there is poison ivy in some areas along the river.
  • We're cleaning up the river in rain or shine! It will be fun!
  • Meet at 6th Street Park in downtown GR. We'll be taking buses to our work site from there. This is a city event, so plan for city parking. There is street parking available and the meters are free on weekends. 
  • Free lunch afterwards. Yum! GR Pizza and Founders Brewing Co. have graciously sponsored the event. 
  • Registration begins at 8:30am. Yes, we'll have coffee! Clean up begins shortly after this.
I think that's all for now. WMEAC will be sending out a huge email full of details at some point next week, too. If you're registered in advance, you should get it. If you don't get it, please don't hesitate to contact me with questions, comments, or concerns. 

Hope to see you all there!


Snack Sign Up Parent Help Requested!

Hello Helpful NJHS Parents!
I hope everyone has had a wonderful last hurrah of summer! In case you missed the emails last week here are a couple of reminders:
1. I would like to invite you to help provide nutritious snacks for our monthly NJHS morning meetings. Parent Andrea Johnson has kindly agreed to get you all organized with a signupgenius for morning snacks: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050f49afaa29a13-njhs.
2. Our first meeting is this Wednesday, September 3 at 7:15 sharp! Kids should wear their NJHS T-shirts. If your child did not pick up a shirt at orientation they may stop by the artroom tomorrow either before or after school.
3. Please go to our website at crossroadsnjhs.blogspot.com and add your email to the listserve from the link on the right.
Thanks so much!
Kari Wilson
NJHS Advisor