NJHS Officer Interviews will be held on the week of May 1st - May 5th.
In order to interview, you must return an officer Officer Application form to Mrs. Vogel by April 28th. You will be invited to an interview held by the NJHS Faculty Council the first week of May.
There are five officer positions:
Members must be in "good standing" to be eligible to run for office, meaning you must complete required service hours and maintain a GPA of 3.75 or better. If you think you are interested in a leadership position please read the section of the by-laws shown below. Then, complete the appropriate forms and prepare your speech. Click on the link on the right to access the Officer Application Form or see Mrs. Vogel.
Section 1. The officers of the chapter shall be the president, vice president, secretary, historian, and event coordinator.
Section 2. Student officers' interviews will take place in the first week of May. The Faculty Council will conduct interviews.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at the meetings for this chapter.
Section 4. The vice-president shall preside in the absence of the president and shall also keep a record of members’ contributions to leadership and service.
Section 5. The secretary shall keep the minutes of meetings and be responsible for all official chapter correspondence.
Section 6. The historian will work with the chapter photographer to maintain a digital, online record of chapter activities.