
Parent Driver needed for Wednesday 12/17

Hi Everyone,
We are in desperate need of one more parent driver to take NJHS kids to Meijer after school on Wednesday, 12/17 to buy the turkeys and hams as well as a few other cold storage food items for our holiday baskets. Drivers will return to to school to unload items in the cafeteria fridge. Please email me kwilson@nvps.net or call me: 616-254-7083, if you can help out.


Help Needed this Thursday

Group or Individual Service hours available. Please join us in packing up items for soldiers. Click here to sign up!


Volunteer Opportunity!

Independent Service hours are available for this experience.
A homeless shelter for families needs help putting together baskets for their "aftercare" program.
The program is called “Family Promise of Grand Rapids”; 
located at 906 S. Division Ave, Suite 205, Grand Rapids, MI 49507
phone number is 616-475-5220


A Few Helping Hands Needed!

Hi Everyone! What a great meeting we had this morning. Our Officers are doing a fabulous job keeping us organized. Thank you to the families that are feeding us well! Yogurt, bananas, oranges, cheese sticks, juice - what a nutritious and delicious breakfast!

In addition to member's reports on their service work, President Makayla invited members to form a sub-committee to meet during Advisory a few times to brain storm some fund raising activities for the spring. This will enable us to continue our holiday baskets tradition for years to come!

Speaking of our holiday baskets, a few more helping hands are needed. The storage room where we will collect food and items for the baskets is currently housing a lot of wood which needs to be moved. Do you have muscle? Come on Thursday after school and help us!
Holiday Baskets Sign Up Genius


December Meeting- Location change!

Spread the word! Your officers want 100% attendance at our December meeting! We will be in room 300 which is across from the gym, next to the art room. Wear your NJHS t-shirt proudly!

Breakfast will be served at 7am
We will Come to Order at 7:15!