
Sub Committee Meeting Thursday January 22

The following members need to report to room 300 after announcements:
Avery, Will, Lexi M, Lexi S., Sam, Brooke, Colleen, Izzy, Marissa, Athena, Lila, MaryHelen, Jack, Janeen, Marnie, Isabel, Connor, Melissa, Justin.

Let Makayla know via email if you are unable to attend, or if your current obligations have resulted in a need to drop this commitment.


Here's an Opportunity to Make a Difference!

NJHS Parent, Kari Williams, forwarded this information to our organization.
What a great opportunity to reach out and help your peers throughout the region!

Personal care products for needed for students


Increasing demand for items like hygiene kits, lice kits, socks, tooth brushes and combs that make it easier for students to attend school.

Boxes of toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo and school supplies are headed
 to many dozens of children throughout Michigan as part of the Dress them 
for Success program.
DHS staff began shipping out the personal care products and supplies
 last week to schools and DHS offices in 22 counties that participate in
 Pathways to Potential.
Dress them for Success is being expanded because Pathways success coaches 
have noted an increasing demand for items like hygiene kits, lice kits, socks, 
tooth brushes and combs -- items that make it easier for students to attend school.
Research has shown that children will struggle in school if they do not have
 the necessary tools and supplies to be successful. A key goal of Pathways 
is to remove barriers to school attendance.
DHS worked with Kits for Kidz, a company that provides the non-profit community 
reliable and affordable alternatives to purchase essential products for the 
disadvantaged children in their care.
Dress Them for Success, which began in 2012, has ordered more than 6,000 
school uniforms for students in more than 200 schools statewide.



Sign Up Now. Homework Helpers!

Hi Everyone,
We could use a few good minds! Sign up for Second Semester Homework Helpers. Provide peer tutoring or just be a supportive friend to someone in need in the IMC after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Here's thesignupgenius signup.



Hello Wonderful NJHS Parents!
Wow! Where is the time going? Exams are almost upon us and we will soon begin the second half of the school year. Our NJHS membership meetings are early! Please take a moment to follow the link below and make a contribution to the nutritional needs of our membership. Breakfast is greatly appreciated by all!



Happy New Year! Meeting 1/7/15

The new year is a great time to take stock of your personal and academic goals. I like to set short and long term goals at this time of year in both personal and professional areas of my life.

The media put a lot of attention on New Year's resolutions that are about perfecting oneself, especially in the areas of personal appearance. Try to resist paying attention to this information. Rather, set goals for yourself on continuing to develop your inner skills and strengths and building your capacity for giving back to others!

When school starts up next week it will be time to gear up for semester exams. Remember, keep these exams in perspective and don't allow yourself to get stressed out. Strive for your personal best but always set attainable goals.

See you Wednesday morning at our January meeting. We will meet in room 300 (old woodshop) across from the gym. We will be breaking into small groups to do a team building activity and share our short and long term goals. We will also hear from the sub/committee regarding spring NJHS activities.