
Crossroads Cafe

Mr. Klektoka and Mrs. Grinwis are requesting our help.  We need Crossroads Cafe morning help.  What does this mean?  It means many hands make light work.  After breakfast in the morning, we need workers who will help get the cafeteria ready for the day.  You would report between 7:30-7:35.  Your duties include cleaning tables as well as getting ready for the recycling of the lunch rays. You will return to Advisory between 7:45-:7:50.  You will sign up for a week at the time.  You may sign up for several weeks.  If you have questions, please see Mr. Klekotka or Mrs. Grinwis. Go to signup geniuswww.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C0545A4AD22A0F94-crossroads 


Mayors' Grand River Clean Up

Come out and help Ms. Malloure clean up the Grand River on September 8 from 9:00-1:00. This service opportunity is part of the Mayor's initiative.  Join others through Grand Rapids who want to keep the Grand River clean.  Meet Ms. Malloure at the 6th Street Bridge. See link for more information https://wmeac.org/mayors-grand-river-cleanup/.  If you are interested, sign up at www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C0545A4AD22A0F94-grand 

Grand River Clean Up Details


Welcome 2018-2019 NJHS Members

On behalf of the NJHS officers and myself,  we would like to thank everyone who helped at our orientation.  If you have not already done so, please sign up for Remind.  See Remind Directions.  Also be sure to follow us on Instagram.  If you would like to order a National Junior Honor Society t-shirt designed by our officers, please see NJHS shirt order form.  You may complete the form or email me your order.  Shirts are $10.00.  Orders are due September 20. 

Our first meeting is Wednesday, September 5 at 7:15 am in the IMC.  Please be on time. 

Service Opportunity:  East Oakview is in need of help with childcare during the PTC meetings. Two to three NJHS volunteers are needed from 6:30-7:30.  Meet in the gym.   See dates below.  Go to sign up genius.  East Oakview Childcare Sign Up Genius

September 12th
October 9th
November 14th
January 22nd
February 20th
March 12th
May 8th