
NJHS Monthly Meeting


NJHS Monthly Meeting
Topic: Crossroads NJHS Meeting

Time: May 19, 2021 03:00 PM

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Meeting ID: 746 2161 7713

Passcode: njhs


North Oakview Field Day


North Oakview Field Day

Mr. Brinks, North Oakview PE teacher, is seeking NJHS volunteers to help with field day on June 1.  There are two sessions: 9:30-12:00 and 12:30-3:00.   Note the times are tentative as Mr. Brinks works out the details.  There are only 12 spots for each time frame.  If you are interested, email Mrs. Vogel by May 24.  You must be in good standing in your course work and your teachers must approve.  You may add these hours to your Volunteer hour log.  


Northview Little League Volunteer Opportunity


Northview Little League is looking for volunteers to help run the concession stand throughout the week and weekends.  Volunteers must be 13 years old.  Volunteers are needed few hours at a time. See Sign-Up Genius