
Day of Service


Everyone Can Be Great Because Everyone Can Serve

Dr. Martin Luther King JR.

We believe that service-learning projects provide meaningful experiences that enhance personal growth as well as a sense of civic responsibility.  Service Learning is a method in which students learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized service experiences. These experiences meet community needs that are coordinated in collaboration with the school and community.  Throughout the year students will be  exposed to a variety of non-profit organizations and learning experience.  In celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy, students are invited to serve at the Kids Food Basket and/or Feeding America. 

When:        Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Where:       Kids Food Basket  1300 Plymouth NE Kids Food Basket Registration LInk

                   Feeding America 864 West River Center Drive NE Feeding AmericaLiability Waiver/Photo Release

Rank order your choices.  1 is your number 1 option.  

_____   Kids Food Basket AM shift  9:00-1:00 (11 spots available)

_____   Kids Food Basket PM shift 2:00-4:00  (16 spots available) * Pizza after

_____   FEEDING AMERICA AM shift  9:00-12:00 

_____   FEEDING AMERICA PM shift 

* Must wear closed toed shoes and a mask. Please indicate your choice on your permission slip. Turn in permission slips ASAP.