
Jive Turkey


Will Mr. Retherford be our Jive Turkey?

Help support our service project - Shoeboxes for the Homeless.  Purchase feathers for $1.00 during lunch the November 6th to November 17th.  The teacher who has the most feathers will be crowned our Jive Turkey and dress as a turkey on November 21.  

Please consider signing up to sell feathers at lunch.  Email Mrs. Vogel. Be sure to include which lunch you have.  

November Service Project: Shoeboxes for the Homeless


We plan to give back to an important organization in our community, Mel Trotter Ministries.  Mel Trotter Ministries helps the homeless people who are in need.  One small way we can help is to create shoeboxes.  Let’s work together to fill 50 shoeboxes for Mel Trotter’s Homeless Shelter.   You may make a monetary donation or bring in supplies.  You may bring in items or money to Mrs. Vogel.  We will work on shoeboxes at our November meeting and after school. Shoeboxes will be delivered in the last week of November.

Suggested Items:

Small toiletries: shampoo, deodorant, lotion, soap, toothpaste (note - travel sizes from hotels are perfect)

Toothbrush and toothpaste


Wet Wipes


Small disposable razors

Small combs

Refillable/collapsible water bottles

Small emergency/first aid kits (Band-Aids, Individual doses of Bactine, Neosporin, etc)

Small sewing kids

Small blankets




Hand warmer packets 

Gift cards for fast food 

Non-perishable food in individual servings such as: 

• peanut butter • crackers, • nuts • cheese and cracker packages • cookies • dried fruit • tuna • power/breakfast bars 

Small wrapped hard candies, gum, cough drops

Reusable grocery bags that fold up 


NJHS Shirts


National Junior Honor Society T-Shirts

*Shirts are adult sizes

*  Short sleeve shirts - $12.00 

* Long sleeve shirts - $18.00 

 Please make checks payable to Northview Crossroads Middle School  

Student Name:  ____________________________________

Short Sleeve:   _____ S _____ M _____L XL _____

Long Sleeve:   _____ S _____ M _____L XL _____

Payment Options:

OPTION 1:   Amount Enclosed:  __________       

Cash  or   Check (circle one)

OPTION 2: I qualify for a free shirt through the BUTTERBRAIDS SALE

***If you sell 5 or More Butterbraids - no cost for one short sleeve shirt***

****If you sold 7 or more Butterbraids - no cost for one long sleeve shirt****

Orders are due to Mrs. Vogel by November 8 

You may simply email name and size to Mrs. Vogel at kvogel@nvps.net.  Drop off payment to Mrs. Vogel in room 203.


NJHS Butterbraid Pastries Fundraiser


National Junior Honor Society

Our NJHS team has the opportunity to sell Butterbraids Pastries in order to help offset the cost of several things:

NJHS shirts
Service Projects (Mel Trotter Shoeboxes, Bus Driver Gratitude Breakfast, etc)
NJHS Celebrations (Robinettes, Ice-Skating, etc)
8th Grade Farewell

We are hoping you will consider helping us.  Students who sell five or more items will receive their NJHS t-shirt.  Butterbraid Pastries are delicious!  Just ask Mr. Otten.  Each pastry is $16.00.  Make checks payable to Northview Crossroads Middle School.

NJHS Fall Celebration


NJHS Fall Celebration

“Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position, or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service, and character.” —William Arthur Ward.

Enjoy good times with good friends. National Junior Honor Society members are invited to an outing at Robinette’s Apple Orchard on Thursday, October 26th from 2:45-4:15.  We will go through the corn maze and enjoy cider and donuts. Be sure to dress for the weather. If there is inclement weather, we will stay at school for a movie.  The cost of the trip will be offset by our Butterbraids Fundraiser.   Permission slips are due October 24th.  


Student Name____________________ has my permission to attend the fall celebration NJHS celebration on Thursday, October 26h from 2:45 to 4:15. 

Parents may also email kvogel@Nvps.net to grant permission.