
Santa Breakfast Signs Ups

We have a few more spots open for the Santa Breakfast!

This counts as group service hours.

Santa Breakfast on Saturday, December 7th. You’ll notice there are a lot of spots/things to sign up for. Please only sign up under the NJHS helper spots on the form. There are two options: 7:15-9:30 AM or 9:15-11:30 AM. It looks like we have around 11 spots left in each time slot for people to take. SIGN UP HERE


Sign Up for Individual Hours

 Here are a few ways you can get your individual service hours:

East Oakview PTC Meeting- Volunteer to Babysit

  • 6:15-7:45 PM at East Oakview 
  • Sign up to fill a spot here 
  • If link above doesn't work: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A48A4AF2BA4FACE9-53045021-east#/

Boys Basketball Concession Stand Worker- Volunteer to Sell Food/Drinks

  • 3:00-6:15 PM at Crossroads MS
  • Sign up to fill a spot here 
  • If link above doesn't work: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A48A4AF2BA4FACE9-53045021-east#/
  • There will also be an adult supervisor to help with money and customers as needed