
Induction Ceremony Reminders

What a productive meeting we had this morning in preparation for our Induction Ceremony tomorrow! This is an exciting event for our organization and I look forward to seeing everyone shine tomorrow night!

Here are a few reminders:

Tuesday Morning Rehearsal:

  1. Bus riders - get off at the high school tomorrow morning for the rehearsal.
  2. Everyone else either get dropped off at the PAC by 7:10 or walk from Crossroads with Ms. Wilson at 6:55am. 
  3. We will start the rehearsal at 7:15am sharp!
  4. All Inductees must arrive in time to get in line order by 7:15am!
Tuesday Evening Ceremony:

  1. Inductees arrive by 6:50pm, get color coded name/ pledge card from helper and get in line in alphabetical order.
  2. Current Members arrive by 6:50pm and take a seat on stage in the back two rows of chairs, except those signed up for line and greeting tasks.Officers sit in front on left of stage.
  3. Current Members (those inducted last year) volunteered for jobs as follows:
    1. Vigil Candle set-up: Hannah and Brenna (arrive by 6:40 pm)
    2. Induction Line Assistance: Tia- Pink Line (West hallway(right side of theater) . Izzy - Orange Line East hallway (left side of theater) (arrive by 6:40 pm)
    3. Front Door greeters/ Program distribution: Matt, Josh, Nicole, Sam, Eden (arrive by 6:40 pm)
    4. Post ceremony candle collectors: Haley, Brooke
    5. Post Ceremony Stage Clean Up: Savvy, Blake
    6. Post Reception Area Clean Up: Morgan, Devan