Here are a few reminders:
Tuesday Morning Rehearsal:
- Bus riders - get off at the high school tomorrow morning for the rehearsal.
- Everyone else either get dropped off at the PAC by 7:10 or walk from Crossroads with Ms. Wilson at 6:55am.
- We will start the rehearsal at 7:15am sharp!
- All Inductees must arrive in time to get in line order by 7:15am!
- Inductees arrive by 6:50pm, get color coded name/ pledge card from helper and get in line in alphabetical order.
- Current Members arrive by 6:50pm and take a seat on stage in the back two rows of chairs, except those signed up for line and greeting tasks.Officers sit in front on left of stage.
- Current Members (those inducted last year) volunteered for jobs as follows:
- Vigil Candle set-up: Hannah and Brenna (arrive by 6:40 pm)
- Induction Line Assistance: Tia- Pink Line (West hallway(right side of theater) . Izzy - Orange Line East hallway (left side of theater) (arrive by 6:40 pm)
- Front Door greeters/ Program distribution: Matt, Josh, Nicole, Sam, Eden (arrive by 6:40 pm)
- Post ceremony candle collectors: Haley, Brooke
- Post Ceremony Stage Clean Up: Savvy, Blake
- Post Reception Area Clean Up: Morgan, Devan