-Elected for a one-year term.
-Must be an eighth grader.
-Must work with officers and faculty advisor one morning per week for planning purposes.
-Must attend and conduct the fall Induction Ceremony; failure to do so will result in the loss of the office of President.
-Runs all NJHS meetings.
-Responsible for Society as a whole.
-Chairs or co-chairs one of the NJHS committees and must fulfill the project requirements
for this committee.
-Must truly care about the direction and progress of the Society; must promote growth as
well as change when necessary.
-Must be an innovator and leader.
-Must meet with and coordinate other officers and oversee all committee work.
-Responsible for insuring that the department heads are executing their responsibilities.
-Must take the oath of office at the first meeting in May.
-Elected for a one-year term.
-Must be an eighth grader.
-Must work with officers and faculty advisor one morning per week for planning purposes.
-Must attend and participate in the fall Induction Ceremony; failure to do so will result
in the loss of the office of Vice President.
-Work with the President to run the NJHS meetings and run the meeting in the absence of
the President.
-Chairs or co-chairs one of the NJHS committees and must fulfill the project requirements
for this committee.
-Must meet with and coordinate other officers and oversee all committee work
-Assist with communications (when needed).
-Must truly care about the direction and progress of the Society; must promote growth as
well as change when necessary.
- Must take the oath of office at the first meeting in May.
-Elected for a one-year term.
-Must be an eighth grader..
-Must work with officers and faculty advisor one morning per week for planning purposes.
-Must attend and participate in the fall Induction Ceremony; failure to do so will result
in the loss of the office of Secretary.
-Chairs or co-chairs one of the NJHS committees and must fulfill the project requirements
for this committee.
- Will take notes (“minutes”) of every meeting and catalogs the events;
gives a copy of the minutes to the advisor within one week of the meetings.
-Will handle social media communications. ie; Facebook, Instagram, Remind, Blog, email, text, etc.
-Takes and records attendance at all meetings; have absentees come to him/her in order
to determine whether the absence is excused or unexcused; gives a copy of this list to the
advisor immediately following the meetings.
-Must take the oath of office at the first meeting in May.
Historian and Media (1)
-Elected for a one-year term.
-Must be an eighth grader.
-Must work with officers and faculty advisor one morning per week for planning purposes.
-Must attend and participate in the fall Induction Ceremony; failure to do so will result
in the loss of the office of Historian.
-Chairs or co-chairs one of the NJHS committees and must fulfill the project requirements
for this committee.
- Will take help updating the blog and make a slide show for the end-of-year celebration.
-Will assist with social media communications. ie; Facebook, Instagram, Remind, Blog, etc.
-Must take the oath of office at the first meeting in May.
Event Coordinator (2)
-Elected for a one-year term.
-Must be an eighth grader.
-Must work with officers and faculty advisor one morning per week for planning purposes.
-Must attend and participate in the fall Induction Ceremony; failure to do so will result
in the loss of the office of Historian.
-Chairs or co-chairs one of the NJHS committees and must fulfill the project requirements
for this committee.
- Will take help meet with the advisor and help prepare a yearly calendar.
-Will ensure all members are involved with the planning of at least one event. -Must take the oath of office at the first meeting in May.