
National Junior Honor Society
Fall Service Project

Join National Junior Honor Society members who are working to help support an important organization in our community.  Mel Trotter Ministries provides rescue and restoration services to individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness.  We hope to fill 50 shoeboxes to help individuals who are experiencing homelessness.  You may make a monetary donation or bring in supplies.  You may bring in items or money to Mrs. Vogel. We will work on shoeboxes at our November meeting. 

Suggested Items:

Small toiletries: shampoo, deodorant, lotion, soap, toothpaste (note - travel sizes from hotels are perfect)
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Wet Wipes
Small disposable razors
Small combs
Refillable/collapsible water bottles
Small emergency/first aid kits (Band-Aids, Individual doses of Bactine, Neosporin, etc)
Small sewing kids
Small blankets
Handwarmer packets 
Gift cards for fast food 
Non-perishable food in individual servings such as: 
• peanut butter • crackers, • nuts • cheese, and cracker packages • cookies • dried fruit • tuna • power/breakfast bars 

Small wrapped hard candies, gum, cough drops


You Made a Difference

Thank you to our members who volunteered their time at the Mayor's Grand River Cleanup.  You made a difference.


Spooky Sprint NEF

The Northview Education Foundation is hosting its annual Spooky Sprint on Saturday, October 19th.  NJHS members can sign up to work the event or run the event.   Volunteers will need to report to Boulder Creek located at 5750 Brewer Ave. Belmont, MI.  Please report at 8:00.  Volunteers will be done between 9:30 and 9:40 am.   Email Mrs. Vogel at kvogel@nvps.net.

If you and your family, run or walk it will count towards two volunteer hours.  spooky5k.org

East Oakview PTC Child Care

Do you enjoy younger children?  Do you like playing games, reading good books, and sharing stories?  East PTC will host monthly PTC meetings.  They need volunteers to help with childcare while the parent(s) are attending meetings.

They are looking for 8 to 10 volunteers for the first meeting on Wednesday, October 16th at 6:15 for a 6:30-7:30 meeting.  Go to SignUpGeniushttps://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0545A4AD22A0F94-east5

Also, we are looking for 4-5 volunteers at the same time of 6:15 for a 6:30-7:30 meeting on the following dates: 
Wednesday, October 16th
Wednesday, November 20th
Wednesday, January 15th
Wednesday, February 19th
Wednesday, March 18th
Wednesday, May 20th

The NJHS students who volunteered were Erica Foreman, Ethan Gerken, Hailey Giller, and Emily Maycroft are greatly appreciated.  Our PTC meeting was a success with many parents attending and a lot of kiddos to watch and we appreciate these students' hard work and assistance. They were wonderful!!


East Oakview Fall Fest

 East Oakview's Fall Fest. 

We are hosting Fall Fest on October 26th. We would like to have some NJHS members help run games, decorate and even help with cleanup if possible. The link to the sign-up genius is below.   Please consider helping.  
