
Help Others Build Academic Success - Tutoring Opportunities


Students Tutoring Students is a National Junior Honor Society driven volunteer opportunity.   Connect and collaborate with others who may need a study partner or a tutor.  Not only are you helping others grow, you will also grow your skill set.  

If you are interested in signing up to volunteer as a tutor, please complete the form below:


See Allison Bowerman if you have any questions.  


25 Days of Kindness


Thank you for the students and families who were able to spread kindness during November.  Both the Gratitude Bags for the Bus Drivers and Shoeboxes for the Homeless were deeply appreciated.  If you have completed shoeboxes and need someone to pick them up, email Advisor Mrs. Vogel or President Skylar Denyes.  We can pick up this week.

Looking for other ways to spread kindness prior to winter break.  Check out the 25 Days of Kindness Christmas challenge.  


Gratitude Gift Bags


We are incredibly grateful for our young people and their families.  National Junior Honor Society student leaders, Ava Leonardis and Alexis VanZweden, led the charge to create Gratitude Gift Bags for our Bus Drivers.  Kelly Burke, Griffin Damuth, and Ava Leonardis donated their lunch time to put the bags together and deliver.   Thank you for making this happen!




Join us this week Wednesday for our monthly meeting.   Find out how you join the cause to help the homeless in West Michigan.  Learn how to we can celebrate and show gratitude for our bus drivers.  

Topic: NJHS Member Meetinng
Time: Nov. 18, 2020 03:00 PM America/Detroit

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 935 5776 6423
Passcode: njhs


NJHS Shirts


National Junior Honor Society members who are interested in ordering a t-shirt, orders are due Friday, November 14th.  All shirts are adult sizes.  Shirts are $15.00.  Email kvogel@nvps.net your order.  Include name and size. Checks can be made out to Northview Crossroads.  Either stop by my room and drop off or mail to 

Crossroads Middle School

c/o Kathy Vogel

4400 Ambrose 

Grand Rapids, MI 49525


NJHS Shoebox Service Project


We are looking forward to being able to help some people in our West Michigan community this winter.  It is not too late to participate in our NJHS Shoeboxes for the Homeless to support people at Mel Trotter.  Shoeboxes can be made by individuals or families.  Consider making this a Thanksgiving tradition.  Shoeboxes are due Tuesday, December 1.  

Suggested Items:

Small toiletries: shampoo, deodorant, lotion, soap, toothpaste (note - travel sizes from hotels are perfect)

Toothbrush and toothpaste


Wet Wipes


Small disposable razors

Small combs

Refillable/collapsible water bottles

Small emergency/first aid kits (Band-Aids, Individual doses of Bactine, Neosporin, etc)

Small sewing kids

Small blankets




Hand warmer packets 

Gift cards for fast food 

Non-perishable food in individual servings such as: 

• peanut butter • crackers, • nuts • cheese and cracker packages • cookies • dried fruit • tuna • power/breakfast bars 

Small wrapped hard candies, gum, cough drops

Reusable grocery bags that fold up