
Reverse Job Shadow


Reverse Job Shadow Day

Report to Mrs. Templar by the back loading dock door at 7:30 am.  Please check in with your advisory teacher.   


Little Cats NIght


The High School Rowing Club is hosting a Little Cats Night

The high school rowing club needs your help.  They are hosting a Little Cats night on Saturday, February 18th at Northview High School from 5:30-9:30.  Please consider helping.  You may volunteer for the entire shift or 5:30-7:30 and 7:30-9:30.  

Email Mrs. Vogel by February 13th.  


East Oakview Art Night


East Oakview Art Night

East Oakview is hosting an Art Night on February 28th from 5:30-7:00 pm.  Volunteers are needed.  Email Mrs. Vogel if you are able to give of your time.