
Kids' Food Basket


Hello KFB Volunteers!

Brown Bag Decorating Month is in full swing here at Kids' Food Basket and our staff has had a friendly decorating competition taking place all week. With a goal of 200,000 decorated bags, we need your help! For more information on how you can help, please visit kidsfoodbasket.org/events/brown-bag-decorating-day/. Also, on Tuesday, September 27, we will be hosting a Brown Bag Decorating Pop-Up Event here at the Kent County location. Join this free family event with artists, food trucks, entertainment and bag decorating. Click here to RSVP.

NJHS Members,

We are signed up to help prepare sack suppers on October 25th  from 2:00-4:00.  Please send Mrs. Vogel an email at kvogel@nvps.net if you are interested in helping.