
NJHS Shirts


National Junior Honor Society T-Shirts

*Shirts are adult sizes

*  Short sleeve shirts - $12.00 

* Long sleeve shirts - $18.00 

 Please make checks payable to Northview Crossroads Middle School  

Student Name:  ____________________________________

Short Sleeve:   _____ S _____ M _____L XL _____

Long Sleeve:   _____ S _____ M _____L XL _____

Payment Options:

OPTION 1:   Amount Enclosed:  __________       

Cash  or   Check (circle one)

OPTION 2: I qualify for a free shirt through the BUTTERBRAIDS SALE

***If you sell 5 or More Butterbraids - no cost for one short sleeve shirt***

****If you sold 7 or more Butterbraids - no cost for one long sleeve shirt****

Orders are due to Mrs. Vogel by November 8 

You may simply email name and size to Mrs. Vogel at kvogel@nvps.net.  Drop off payment to Mrs. Vogel in room 203.