
Mayor's Grand River Clean Up This Saturday!

Hi Everyone,
We've had a great response to the Mayor's Grand River Clean Up this Saturday, September 20th. I've hear from many of you that you are signed up. Hurray! It should be a fun day! I will forward parking information via email as well as an update to this site as soon as I receive it from the event organizers.

I have permission slips aka minor waiver forms (also available on the site. Click on this link and scroll all the way to the bottom: http://grandrivercleanup.com/register/ available in the art room for any members who are attending without parents which is just fine as I will be there all morning! I'd like ALL attending members to sign a form and return to me by this Friday, so that I know who to look for at the parking lot! We will meet up at our assigned bus (remember, we are partnering with Trinity UMC.) The bus will then transport our group to the clean up sight to which we are assigned.

A quick word about service hours log sheets: These are in the NJHS office, next to the art room, members may stop by during Advisory to obtain a log form. Members are responsible for keeping track of their own hours. For a group project such as the Clean-Up day, I am the supervisor who will sign the form, so that's easy!