
Snack Sign Up Parent Help Requested!

Hello Helpful NJHS Parents!
I hope everyone has had a wonderful last hurrah of summer! In case you missed the emails last week here are a couple of reminders:
1. I would like to invite you to help provide nutritious snacks for our monthly NJHS morning meetings. Parent Andrea Johnson has kindly agreed to get you all organized with a signupgenius for morning snacks: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050f49afaa29a13-njhs.
2. Our first meeting is this Wednesday, September 3 at 7:15 sharp! Kids should wear their NJHS T-shirts. If your child did not pick up a shirt at orientation they may stop by the artroom tomorrow either before or after school.
3. Please go to our website at crossroadsnjhs.blogspot.com and add your email to the listserve from the link on the right.
Thanks so much!
Kari Wilson
NJHS Advisor